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Joseph Pilates believed in the power of our minds to control our bodies. He designed the Pilates Method in the early 20th century and was proud to proclaim he was ahead of his time. He said, “In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty you will see the difference, and in thirty you will have a whole new body”.


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Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental health.



Classes are taught by our chiropractors and have been specifically designed to improve your overall core strength, stability and flexibility.



Group mat Pilates classes are grouped according to ability to ensure that you get the safest and most effective workout for your body.


The fundamental principles of Pilates focus on balance, concentration, control, centred awareness, fluid movements and breath.
Pilates enhances a core strength that increases flexibility, coordination and spatial awareness and engages the whole person, not just the muscles. For everybody, Pilates will develop and enhance stamina, posture, alignment and core strength for elite performance to everyday activities.

Group mat Pilates classes are recommended for those who do not have any serious injuries and for those who particularly enjoy social interaction as they learn. These classes are grouped according to ability to ensure that you get the safest and most effective workout for your body.

Mat Pilates Classes

Beginner Mat Pilates classes  - for clients who are new to Pilates or for those clients who have not practiced Pilates for some time. These classes introduce the relevant exercises to focus on learning the fundamentals of Pilates including good technique, breathing, neutral spine and centring.

Intermediate Mat Pilates classes - for those who have grasped good basic technique and want to be challenged with tougher exercises. In this class we work on increasing core strength and stamina and teach much more complex patterns of movement.
Modifications will be given where necessary. Movement becomes flowing and dynamic so the body becomes evenly strengthened and stretched.

Advanced Mat Pilates classes  - are quite simply that! The teacher delivers the original Mat in its purest form in the correct sequence with a fast tempo and with flowing transitions. The result is a really tough workout… These classes are hard so be prepared to really work

What our patients say...

"Fiona - Her knowledge and understanding of helping an aging body with the combination of physio and pilates exercises is so therapeutic. Her classes guide each individual through various exercises with such a caring manner. Fiona is amazing!!!!!!"

Clare Rowley




01252 616 511

© THE STUDIO Durham House Chiropractic Clinic :. 30 East Street, Farnham, Surrey. GU9 7SW
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