Understanding Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure is vital to life, however, blood pressure can become dangerously high and it can also get too low.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is what allows oxygen and nutrients to move through our circulatory systems and is the force that moves it.  It’s an important force     because oxygen and nutrients would not be pushed around our circulatory system to nourish tissues and organs without blood pressure.

Blood pressure is also vital because it delivers white blood cells and antibodies for immunity and hormones such as insulin. Just as important as providing oxygen and nutrients, the fresh blood that gets delivered is able to pick up the toxic waste products of metabolism, including the carbon dioxide we exhale with every breath and the toxins we clear through our liver and kidneys.

Blood itself carries a number of other properties, including its temperature. It also carries one of our defenses against tissue damage, the clotting platelets that prevent blood loss following injury.

But what exactly is it that causes blood to exert a pressure in our arteries?  Part of the answer is simple – the heart creates blood pressure by forcing out blood when it contracts with every heartbeat. Blood pressure, however, cannot be created solely by the pumping heart.


Our circulation is similar to a highly sophisticated form of plumbing – blood has ‘flow’ and arteries are ‘pipes’.’

A basic law of physics gives rise to our blood flow and this law also applies in a garden hose pipe.  Blood flows through our body because of a difference in pressure.

Our blood pressure is highest at the start of its journey from our heart – when it enters the  aorta – and it is lowest at the end of its journey along progressively smaller branches of  arteries. That pressure difference is what causes blood to flow around our bodies. 

Arteries affect blood pressure in a similar way to the physical properties of a garden hose pipe affecting water pressure. Constricting the pipe increases pressure at the point of constriction.

Without the elastic nature of the artery walls, for example, the pressure of the blood would fall away more quickly as it is pumped from the heart.

While the heart creates the maximum pressure, the properties of the arteries are just as important to maintaining it and allowing blood to flow throughout the body.

The condition of the arteries affects blood pressure and flow and narrowing of the arteries can eventually block the supply altogether, leading to dangerous conditions including stroke and heart attack.


The device used to measure blood pressure is a sphygmomanometer, it consists of a rubber armband (the cuff that is inflated by hand or machine pump). 

Once the cuff is inflated enough to stop the pulse, a reading is taken, either electronically or on an analogue dial.

The reading is expressed in terms of the pressure it takes to move mercury round a tube against gravity. This is the reason for pressure being measured using the unit millimeters of mercury, abbreviated to mm Hg.


A stethoscope identifies the precise point when the pulse sound returns and the pressure of the cuff is slowly released. Using the stethoscope enables the person measuring the blood pressure to listen out for two specific points.  Blood pressure readings consist of two figures:

  • systolic pressure is the higher figure caused by the heart’s contraction
  • diastolic pressure is the lower pressure in the arteries, during the brief ‘resting’ period between heartbeats.

The reading is given as, for example, 140 over 90mmHg.


The NHS cite normal blood pressure to be below 120mmHg systolic and 80mmHg diastolic.

As a general guide:

  • ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg
  •  high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher
  •  low blood pressure is considered to be 90/60mmHg or lower.

However, blood pressure changes naturally and can have marked short term fluctuations   occurring within a 24 hour period eg beat to beat, minute to minute, hour to hour and day to night changes. There can also be long term fluctuations occurring over more prolonged     periods of time, for example days, weeks, months, seasons and even years.

If you have any concerns about your blood pressure, speak with your doctor.


The guidelines for doctors list the following measures patients can take to help keep a healthy blood pressure:

  • keep a healthy body weight
  • eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
  • cut down on sodium, or salt, in the diet
  • take regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, for at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week
  • moderate alcohol intake – men should drink fewer than 2 alcoholic beverages a day and women and men with a lower body weight should consume a maximum of one alcoholic drink a day.

Taking these steps can reduce the risk of health problems further down the line.

Check our Instagram and Facebook pages throughout the month for our Top Tips.


Check our Instagram and Facebook pages throughout the month for our Top Tips for exercises that might help give some relief for TMJ pain.


New year, new habits, new you

How much do you remember about brushing your teeth? Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Facebook or Instagram again when you only just closed it? We spend up to 50% of our day to day lives  performing automatic behaviours, otherwise known as habits. These habits can be so strong that even when we know if a habit isn’t good for us, the habit still triggers and we catch ourselves performing it anyway. So, what are they, why do we have them and how can we help ourselves make new ones?

What is a habit?

According to British dictionaries, a habit is: ‘A settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.’

‘Something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it.’

Why do we have habits?

Many studies have been performed to look at habits as they are a frequent obstacle to overcome in healthcare. In our brains, a habit can help to reduce how much energy we spend processing the same set of information if we see it often and regularly enough. This is how we go from needing to check directions to get to a new workplace to unconsciously navigating the route without even checking the signs. The diagram here demonstrates the findings of one of these studies. As you can see, once it has recognised the cue, brain activity drops almost in half right up until the end of the habit where it gets the reward. This introduces us to the basic structure of a habit.

Habits all have:

  • A cue, something distinct which then triggers…
  • the routine, the behaviours that we perform in order to get to…
  • the reward, something that satisfies…
  • the initial craving. The stronger the craving, the more likely a habit will be triggered. Therefore a sugary drink will be chosen more easily than choosing to drink water, as water doesn’t   trigger the same sense of craving or reward.

How can we create new habits?

By understanding what forms a habit, we can start to work out how we can make a new one or alter the ones we have already. Each habit must have each part of the cycle in place, repeated often, in order to create the circuit in our brain. For example, it’s easy to say ‘this year I am going to go to the gym more’, attend the gym a few times and then other priorities get in the way .

The easiest way to create a new habit is to add to one that you already do. That way you don’t need to change too much in your day to fit something else in. For example, we brush our teeth twice in the day. Add to that stretching out neck and shoulders either before or after and, over time, it becomes natural for us to stretch whenever we go to brush our teeth.

Sometimes we want to replace a habit completely, for example snacking on unhealthy foods.

This can be tough because, once we have created a habit in our brain, it can’t be erased. However, knowing what makes up our habit cycle allows us to change it into a different habit.

The key is to keep the cue, reward and craving all the same whilst changing the routine to something that still satisfies that loop. For example, changing our snack food for something healthier that still satisfies us and keeps us full. In  order to help the new habit to form and settle in, we need to put energy into sticking to it over a period of time. Each time we go through the cycle, the circuit we are forming in the brain becomes stronger. Other ways to help can include having an accountability partner or logging your habits in a notebook tracker.

So, to summarise:

  • Habits are automatic behaviours we use to save energy for our brains.
  • A habit is made up of a cue, a routine, a reward and a craving.
  • In order to change a habit we must keep the cycle the same and change the routine.

Here are some ideas for habits to include in your day:

  • Think of 3 gratitudes, something you are grateful for, each day.
  • Getting up from your desk once an hour to help your joints.
  • Drink more water in the day.
  • Spend 15 minutes a day reading a book.
  • Compliment someone every day.

Check our Instagram and Facebook pages throughout the month for our Top Tips for exercises on the subject


All pictures from Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg


Let’s talk this over !

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint and refers to your jaw. It consists of a lower and upper part, on each side, that articulate together and are separated by a disc.

The anatomy of the jaw is such that the lower part or mandible has a condyle that rests in the socket of the upper part of the jaw, which is the temporal bone and is part of the skull.

There are two main movements of the TMJ – a hinging action that is then immediately followed by a forward gliding motion which is facilitated by the intra-articular disc. The correct movement of the jaw is important for normal function and helps to keep people pain free.

This is quite a vulnerable joint and can create problems for people. It’s one of the most frequently used joints and can be overlooked when being examined for certain issues, such as headaches. It’s estimated that the temporomandibular joint is used between 1,500 – 2,000 times a day during  activities such as chewing, talking, swallowing, yawning and snoring.

When a clinician is assessing someone’s jaw, first they will start by taking a history and asking  questions. By doing this they are hoping to narrow down the possible pain generating tissue.

The TMJ can cause multiple issues. The most obvious might be direct jaw pain or restricted  movement but issues such as headaches can be less obviously associated with the jaw.

Other jaw issues are:

  • ear ache
  • lock jaw
  • tinnitus
  • clicking or grinding sounds
  • bruxism (grinding of the teeth or clenching the jaw)
  • nerve irritation and resultant nerve pain.

The clinician will inspect the jaw by looking at the movement as you open and close your mouth. Primarily they are looking for asymmetry such as that depicted below (jaw span), a bony and soft tissue palpation, where they feel the joint and, as it moves, try to determine any bio-mechanical problem. There is some simple muscle testing and a few neurological tests that may be performed too.

If a problem is found then some treatments can be offered by your chiropractor, but others may  require a dentist or doctor.

There are a wide range of management options, from manual treatments to home treatments,  including ice or heat, jaw exercises / stretches, muscle relaxation techniques, medication and mouth guards.

Possible issues

Some issues we see are muscle tightness which can cause asymmetrical movement of the jaw, pain and referred pain.

There are 4 muscles of mastication (chewing) that move the jaw; the temporal muscle, medial and lateral pterygoids (found inside the mouth) and the largest, the masseter. If these get tight and tense they build up with toxins and become painful. If very painful, they can refer pain.

Bruxism is a common issue and is characterised by jaw clenching and teeth grinding. This is often done unconsciously and can be caused by emotional stress. Physically it can result in muscle tightness which can be treated by a manual therapist and also with a mouth guard from the dentist. A mouth guard can help off load pressure from the jaw and protect the enamel on your teeth. If the main cause is possibly psychological, then relaxation techniques and regular stretching is a good  approach to manage this.

Intra-articular disc issues can be very painful and can be more complicated. The disc can become displaced or can degenerate which can alter the smooth movement of the jaw.

If simple treatments are not helping then sometimes surgery is required. Before this is considered though, a full consultation with a doctor is required.

Check our Instagram and Facebook pages throughout the month for our Top Tips for exercises that might help give some relief for TMJ pain.





The Studio Durham House Blog | How do sports massage and pilates work together

Pilates at the Studio Durham House

Firstly, what is Pilates?

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. It concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility. In Pilates the chance of injury has been found to be much lower than with other more strenuous forms of exercise.

Pilates also focuses on the mind-body connection. While doing the various exercises your mind needs to be constantly aware of your breathing and the way your body moves.

Because Pilates can be modified to provide either a gentle strength training program or a challenging workout, most people would have no problem with this form of exercise. It is suitable both for beginners and for people who already exercise regularly.

But i though Sports massage was just for sport people? 

Sports massage is a type of massage that focuses on deeper layers of tissues. It involves techniques such as kneading, skin rolling and trigger pointing which helps to improve flexibility, reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), prevent injury and break down tension.

Sports massage, in conflict with its name, is not only used for sports people. People who work in an office all day or have a job where they are lifting heavy objects or drive for long hours can also benefit from having a sports massage. It helps to relieve stress, improve posture and increase relaxation.

How do they work together?

Pilates ultimately is a workout for your muscles. You are putting your muscles under tension which will ultimately lead to some muscle soreness. However, where Pilates and massage go together is that they can both be used to elongates the muscles, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.

In addition, regular sports massage helps to break down muscular tension by increasing muscle temperature and encourage muscles to relax. This allows the length of a muscle to increase allowing an increase in movement and therefore further preventing injury.

Moreover, Pilates helps to further improve and maintain your posture by increasing the strength of your upper back and neck flexor muscles. A combination of both regular Pilates and massage will prevent tension and poor posture from returning. This can help alleviate both acute and chronic pain caused by injury, poor posture, stress, tension and weakness.

To summaries, sports massage has been found to help reduce pain by improving recovery post injury by improving strength and mobility. Combining both massage and Pilates would ensure pain is eliminated and prevented  from returning.

Try a combination of Pilates and Massage the Durham House, Farnham. 

Because Pilates can be modified to provide either a gentle strength training program or a challenging workout, most people would have no problem with this form of exercise. It is suitable both for beginners and for people who already exercise regularly.

If you’re a beginner you can start with basic exercises and then once you’ve mastered those, you can work on the more advanced moves. It’s a good idea when you’re just starting out in Pilates to go to Pilates exercise classes or have a private instructor. This way the instructor can make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly to avoid any injury.

If you would like to find out more, visit our website www.durhamhousechiropractic.co.uk or www.thestudiodurhamhouse.co.uk.